Ninja Gaiden Wiki
Ninja Gaiden Wiki

Guillotine Man is an enemy in Ninja Gaiden (NES). They are very muscular, have fully white skin, and attack with a two-sided axe-like blade that can be thrown like a boomerang.

Ninja Gaiden[]


Guillotine Men are first introduced in Act 5-1. Once they appear, they start attacking by throwing their weapon forward. The projectile zooms very quickly, but only a short distance, because it comes back to the enemy. Guillotine Men move left and right while this is happening, making it difficult to hit them with the sword, and they waste no time throwing their weapon again after catching it. They are very dangerous because every attack of theirs does 3 damage, and unlike all other enemies in the game, they take more than one sword hit to kill (two hits, same goes with the Shuriken). However, they still die instantly to other sub-weapons like the Windmill Star or Jump & Slash Technique (aka the Spin Slash).
