Ninja Gaiden Wiki
Ninja Gaiden Wiki

Ninja gaiden legendary black falcon evolution

Ryu's costume evolution, from left to right: Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Gaiden II, Ninja Gaiden 3.

The Legendary Black Falcon is Ryu Hayabusa's default costume in the modern Ninja Gaiden games, replacing the original Hayabusa purple/blue costume from the classic games.

Although the details have changed between games the basic design is the same: a tight-fitting black sleeveless jumpsuit with minor padding and straps toward the sides; kunai on the leg(s); black and silver arm and shin guards; fingerless black elbow-length gloves; a black balaclava obscuring the entirety of the face aside from the eyes; a long flowing black scarf tied behind the neck; a metallic silver forehead protector bearing the design of a dragon/peregrine falcon; and black knee-high split-toed boots.

It is the epitome of a modern ninja suit, being magically and technologically advanced and giving Ryu free movements and elasticity while providing him with enhanced resistance and protection.
