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Lesser Shadow Demon

A Lesser Shadow Demon

Race: Fiend (Demon)
Rank: Minion
Debut: Ninja Gaiden (Xbox)

Lesser Shadow Demons (魔神下シャドウ) also known as Imp Fiends are the weakest of the Shadow Fiends. They appear mostly on lower difficulties and early parts of the game since they do not possess high constitution and are easy to kill.


Brown in color, a short stature, mantis like appearance with blade arms, a hollow or empty section at the abdomen, a single large eye on the head, two more eyes on the shoulders, and feet that disappear near the ground.


The Lesser Shadow Demon is an agile creature, capable of moving swiftly in the battleground. It'll always be fought in numbers, often attempting to flank the player. As the lowest rank of the Shadow Demons, they're not particularly dangerous as all their attacks can be blocked.

Its primary attack is a three-hit combo with its appendages. Another attack is an a quick uppercut, which, if it connects, the player is launched up in the air, and the Lesser Shadow Demon will follow it up with a drop kick that will launch the player away. It can also use a close range attack where it pushes its claws forward, dealing a two hits and briefly flinching the player.

When far away from the player, Lesser Shadow Demon may close the gap with two different attacks. The first one is a jumping attack where it descends with its appendage. The second one is where it dives underground in its shadow form, becoming invulnerable; when emerging, it'll use a quick attack with its claws.


This enemy is easy to dispatch since its attacks are blockable and it doesn't deal high damage. The Dragon Sword, as usual, is the most flexible weapon the game, and is reliable to strike the demons with Izuna Drop. The Vigoorian Flail and Lunar Staff, on the other hand can easily deal with them thanks to their high attack speed and multiple hits, allowing the player to often hit various Shadow Demons at once. The Dabilahro and Unlabored Flawlessness, on the other hand, can one hit-kill the Demons with their counter attack or forward + Y.


Ninja Gaiden: Originating from the Demon realm under the rule of Marbus the Archfiend of Hell, they have been banished from the Human realm along with most Fiends from ages long ago. However during the Dark Dragon Blade Incident as the Dark Dragon Blade started to draw closer to Vigoor and grow in power from deaths being committed, the seal that banished the fiends started to degenerate opening up but still holding back more powerful fiends. As one of the weaker of the Fiends, Lesser Shadow Demons were able to cross over to the human world at this time, and started appearing around the Monastery in Tairon dedicated to Vigoor.

At that very same moment, while on the trail to recovering the stolen Dark Dragon Blade, Ryu Hayabusa found himself outside the Monastery, and a battle quickly ensued between the Super Ninja and the Demons. Ryu easily dispatches the demons, but later he encounters more in the Monastery where they attack in masses of over 100 and attack again in the Underground Crypt. After that hard long battle Ryu will have to face many more as they pour into human world with other more powerful fiends, while Vigoor grows in power with the Dark Dragon Blade and is able to transfer more fiends over.

Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword: Lesser Shadow Fiends make another appearance 6 months later as Ishtaros & Nicchae attempt to resurrect the glory of Vigoor. However like last time they are quickly made short work of by Ryu Hayabusa. They appear in Tairon and the Underground Sanctuary.


  • They are lower tier enemies that do not possess an attack strong enough to break Ryu's guard, so either Counter Attack or Izuna Drop to make short work of them.
  • Lesser Shadow Fiends can evade quick attacks such as the Flying Swallow, but most of the time they leave themselves vulnerable after attack or charging up for a dash strike.



